
Life returning?

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Posted by Merry on December 31, 2016 at 11:54:03:

During our dives on Thurs., Phil and I were surprised to find a bit more life on the reefs than we've seen in recent dives. By "life" I mean nudibranchs of all sizes and some interesting minicrustaceans. Water was 54 - 55 degrees with ~12' hazy vis.

Limacia cockerelli (~1/8")
 photo 0. Limacia cockerelli on rubber _DSC7348_zpsylapmunh.jpg

Completely unexpected! A large Doriopsilla spaldingi on the Whitepoint outfall pipe. Haven't seen one in years.
 photo 1. Doriopsilla spaldingi_DSC7373_zpsqimrksjz.jpg

Polycera tricolor...it was a very good year.
 photo 2. Polycera tricolor_DSC7354_zps1ivckxrd.jpg

The designer-colored Acanthodoris lutea
 photo 3. Acantodoris lutea_DSC7378_zpsszwt4qti.jpg

Yet another Peltodoris mullineri on Kevin's Reef. By comparing their unique pattern of pigment spots, we've identified 3 different individuals there. We saw this one exactly 2 months ago; it hadn't gone far.
 photo 4. Peltodoris mullineri_DSC7363_zpsfhtsjbtk.jpg

Tritonia festiva on White Point outfall pipe.
 photo 5. Tritonia festiva_DSC7367_zpsunhr6d8d.jpg

A fresh crop of eggs gave away these Dotoform A, smaller than the eye can see. In other images, I found even smaller ones tucked away in the dense substrate.
 photo 6. Doto form A amp eggs_DSC7398_zpsrtwzjqfa.jpg

Hundreds of pin-dot size munnid isopods covered a single grey sponge.
 photo 7. Munnid isopods_DSC7332_zpse8sujf7s.jpg

An even smaller amphipod at the resolution limit of my lenses.
 photo 8. Amphipod_DSC7404_zpsk7z0h3qx.jpg

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