Dive report: Catalina on the Orion III

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on February 26, 2005 at 16:40:18:

Ross-O invited BrianB and me to try out his new outdrive and dive ladder for the first time. We left Cabrillo Marina around 7:30 and found fair seas with a little more wind than we expected that early in the day. Our first stop was Ship Rock. The current was too strong to anchor in the shallows of the island side of the rock so we moved to the north side. The currents there were strong in some spots, non-existent in others. We dropped down to the anchor before exploring the depths.

I fed a broken piece of kelp to a large abalone and found several Swell and Horn sharks sleeping in the cracks. I followed the current back to the boat and was impressed at how fast I can move without a scooter. :-)

We headed to the wreck of the Piper Cherokee off Goat Harbor. There I realized how much I need a strobe.

57F at both sites, with variable visibility of 20-50 feet. The second dive had strong currents as well, so we headed back into the whitecaps and made it back home. Another great day of diving with Ross!

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