Best mix diving with best size tanks

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by northcoast diver on March 05, 2005 at 22:31:34:

In Reply to: Yes, I am looking for an explanation. posted by Chuck Tribolet on March 04, 2005 at 22:52:49:

I can only hope that in spite of your slanderous lies and exaggerations (which you are good at Chuch) that anyone reading this topic can conclude the following, in order to discover best mix diving with best size tanks.

1) The best mix for scuba diving to 65 ft or shallower is air, if you limit your single tank size to that which keeps you within the NDL for air at 65 ft plus a reserve for your buddy to ascend from depth back to the surface with a 3 min safety stop.

2) The best tank size for single tank scuba is that which will limit your dive time at depth to your NDL plus a reserve for your buddy to ascend from depth back to the surface with a 3 min safety stop.

3) The best mix for scuba diving to 100 ft to 70 ft or shallower if you plan to dive to 100 ft is EAN35, if you limit your single tank size to that which keeps you within the NDL for EAN35 at 100 ft plus a reserve for your buddy to ascend from depth back to the surface with a 3 min safety stop.

4) The best minimal surface interval time for NDL diving is 1 hour.

Now go and run your own calculations, if you can, if you were trained how to do that, and you will find that a 72 or 80 cu ft tank and a typical RMV-SCR will allow you dive with these mixes and these tanks with these surface intervals all day long, without risk of DCI.

And if your pretty mousie girlfriend of several years (what is holding up the wedding day anyway??) has a better RMV-SCR than you do, then she is better off with smaller tanks than you.

Its not rocket science. And you do not need to bring slander and lies and exaggerations into the discussion to understand best mix diving.

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