Great giant clams! More on mangroves

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Posted by kylecawaza on March 22, 2005 at 18:16:57:

In Reply to: Re: I always wanted one of those posted by Nate D on March 21, 2005 at 22:50:59:

My friend and I, for an out of school project were going to make a plan for the revival of the salton sea and send it to them, and one of the things we were going to do, is use mangroves.

Anyway, aviennia germiminans or any Avicennia species usually takes a great surface area for its breathing roots, while Rhizophora barley takes any, which would make avicennia a lot more useful. Also, if the mangrove doesn't grow, they sort of 'turn off' their roots, so it wouldn't help filter at all. Avicennia marina var. resififera would most likley grow faster in that location and be a better filter. Anyway, your acquarium from the photos looks amazing anyway, so I don't think you would need to be worrying much about mangrove filters. lol. But if you have an questions Mangroves are my expertise... I Could write more if you would like.

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