Re: Radical left....?

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Posted by Dave on April 23, 2005 at 22:04:09:

In Reply to: Radical left....? posted by Brad on April 23, 2005 at 19:25:25:


I think you're completely missing the point. Popular culture tells us that men are Neanderthals, women are "the fairer sex". That men have ugly bodies and weird looking gear that most women who claim heterosexuality don't care to visually lust after unlike European women. This same culture tells us that all men are rapists, wife beaters, perpetrators of domestic violence-just look at the Philip Morris commercials,that there is a "crisis in self esteem in girls", that "girls are shortchanged in schools", that women are marginalized, that we live in a patriarchy...etc. Everyone of these factorids is a lie.

Pop culture says we need more $ for breast cancer research while we ignore the fact that as many men will die of prostate cancer research since the latter is funded 6 times less, that we needed the 14th Amendment Equal protection Clause violating "Federal Violence Against Women Protection Act" passesd by the female controlled (by virtue of numerical voting superiority) U.S. government even though men are 7 times more likely to be the victims of violence, an unconstitutional law passed by that idiot George Bush Sr. who exclaimed "...we need to stop the war on women!" even though only men are forced under threat of incarceration and then homosexual prison/jail rape if they refuse to register for selective service and women are given an utter free ride. Then our govenrment via the EEOC basically adopts man hater Cathrinne McKinnon's ("all heterosexual sex is rape" and "intercourse is a mans way of showing his utter contempt for women"-lesbianism conveniently and tellingly excluded) doctrine of what constitute sexual harassment in the workplace which is essentially a loaded gun held to the head of every man who doesn't look like Brad Pit, Sean Connery or Mel Gibson. Then we have "our bodies, our choice" where women get to make 100% of the choice to abort or give brith, but do not have 100% of the responsibility for making that choice, and they can enslave a man against his will for 18 years via indentured servitude for what is 100% her choice but not 00% her responsibility, and 100% not his choice.

I too was taught utter respect for women, but more importantly, I was taught fundamental fairness and equality, and THAT is something men do not have in society, so I took expception to the sexist opening article by the Orgeon govt.

Also, I do not attempt to ingratiate myself to women by putting men down and ellevating women.

Think to yourself for a moment. If the Kate Winslets character offered to slide off to an icy death off the raft so that Leonardo DiCaprio's character could live-a woman giving up ehr life for a man, do you think Leonardo DiCaprio would be a populat star today, or worhtless? How about first Knight, with Richard Gere and Sean Connery. Gere's charcter proved himself worthy of sex with the queen....why? because he risked his life about once every five minutes in that film, and a man willing to die for a woman. (anthropolgically speaking there is some utility to this for women, since men cannot give birth)

You know, Rosa Parks rightfully refused to sit in the back of the bus, Susan B Anthony defied the sexist law and voted when it was illegal for women-you should hear her brilliantly defiant speech to the prosecuting court, Bakke refused to remain silent when he sued and won for discrimination aganst him because he was Caucasian, and I will render my opinion when I see blatant sexism and bigotry (to coopt the lexicon of the left) when the Orgeon govt discriminates against people on the basis of gender.

Of course, the ultimate barometer of who has all the power is evidenced by the fact that women live significantly longer then men.

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