Re: Irvine and cuff dumps

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Posted by Preaching to the choir in F# on May 02, 2005 at 14:01:37:

In Reply to: Re: Irvine and cuff dumps posted by AADIVER on April 14, 2005 at 19:09:19:

Once again, the truth must be told. In reflecting upon at least the past year here it has become apparent that Frank is suffering from on again then off again delusional condition.
Frank suffers from DIVER.NET BBS CRS. Due to this infliction, he doesn't always understanding all the nuances of the discussions before typing. and the responses.
From further back, there’s this that should give you a deeper historical perspective

He is also his own biggest cheerleader and self promoter with more pictures of himself posted here than most anyone without any humble sense. Some have been posted by him more than once.

These are just from the past few months. If you look back yourself Hilary you will see much more.

As a diver who has been here for only a very short time compared to others, I am a bit confounded. Some divers don’t like hearing about DIR. Others will not allow it’s public promotion here because of the way they disagree with DIR instruction guidelines and configuration demands. Yet, most all of these people have also said they are impressed with DIR divers and their skills. That’s confusing to me. They think the divers are great and well trained, but they don’t like DIR being discussed in front of them? Frank is one of those divers. When certain DIR people speak about the topic or their name is even mentioned, they are trashed by other divers and generally whip people up into a posting frenzy. Frank is one of those other divers too. Level headed people I think look beyond such juvenile BS slinging by the known and unknown sock-puppets concerning DIR and wreck artifact preservationists and just move on. Not doing so will create a disingenuous atmosphere whereas it becomes the white elephant in the room that no one will dare to address.

Did you know Frank’s old and still dives, and that he has done dives in most every ocean and sea? These are among many little pearls of wisdom he continuously parts with. As a newbie you will be hearing this over and over again. It’s kind of a standard for Frank and is somewhat beloved to us when he’s not repeating himself every few months.

During a past discussion about the Calif Wreck Divers and their rather questionable intentions recovering artifacts, Frank dared anyone to prove that the Calif Wreck Divers have ever taken anything off any wreck off LA. The pictures surfaced and Frank was ostracized from the preservation club he co-founded. I was sad to see that happen, but I still respect Frank. He has however become somewhat a loose cannon the last few years. While our current position is not absolutely not discuss such artifact recovery activities outside or club, Frank got caught up in such an activity. With our current situation and his past positions held within the club, that doesn't reflect upon us well as divers and artifact hunting explorers. I have spent weeks with Frank over the years on dive expeditions for artifact recovery. I am the first to tell you that Frank is much nicer and more level headed in person that what he writes here.

To wrap this up, I just don’t respect, nor do I believe others should be expected to either, responses like Frank’s. Seriously, Frank is a good guy, just take what he says to your liver and not to heart. Is uppose for that he is good entertainment at best.

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