Tank vs Landing Craft, Squirrel Fish vs. Soldier Fish

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Posted by Dick Analog on May 20, 2005 at 00:45:31:

In Reply to: Re: So.Cal. Divers in Paradise: Postcard from Maui posted by Chuck Tribolet on May 19, 2005 at 19:22:21:

You know Chuck, you're probably right. This dive site was supposed to have a tank AND amphibious landing craft, but there was some confusion during the dive because we only saw one wreck. The story we were told is that the tank was messed up recently by a ship's anchor which was dragged directly through the wreck, so maybe in our mind we thought the tracked vehicle sans turret was the messed up tank.

And, I just picked up a good fish ID book this evening (at Hilo Hatties', of all places) and what I identified as Squirrel Fish are actually Big-Scale Soldier Fish. Ironically, I have another photo taken on the tracked vehicle wreck of fish which are indeed Squirrel Fish, but no soldier fish on the military vehicle :-)

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