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Posted by Continental Divide Coast Diver on May 26, 2005 at 06:36:34:

In Reply to: Again: what you gonna do when you get bit? posted by Chuck Tribol.et on May 26, 2005 at 02:36:58:

I was attacked by a 17 foot male Great White Shark. From the bite mark below my shoulder to
below my butt, it had a 38 inch wide mouth. It lifted me out of the water and shook me from
side to side, ripping off all the skin and muscle on my side. I had 3 broken/removed ribs
and my intestines were caught in the kelp.
it decided I tasted bad and spit me out. I knew
the safest thing I could do was go to the bottom and wait until it was gone. When my tank was
down to 1000 psi, I quikly ascended, returned to my boat and headed back to shore. I took some
aspirin and went to bed. After 3 days of bed rest I started tofeel better. I had a week of
vacation time, so I just rested in bed. I was fully recovered before the end of the week. This
should be a lesson for you. Dont dive when you are short of sleep.

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