I am grateful for her opinion on this issue

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Posted by Elaine on May 31, 2005 at 23:54:50:

In Reply to: Re: I like her stand on this issue posted by Dave on May 31, 2005 at 21:55:59:

Her reply, on this issue, gave me some reassurance that she is a) on the committee, b) is paying attention to what is going on, and c) has some understanding, of the needs people, who find this NOAH service valuable.

Everyone who comes to the BBS to read about diving has political opinions on any variety of subjects. Most people are respectful enough to not use this forum to promote their personal non diving related political agendas and opinions. There are forums specifically for discussion of gun control, politics, and religion where these posts are appropriate. I have noticed that most of your posts are political in nature and wonder why you use the diver.net forum to express these opinions. I believe that I once read a very nice dive report that you wrote on another web site and wonder why you don't do the same here.

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