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Posted by Elaine on June 01, 2005 at 19:38:46:

In Reply to: non-diving related post posted by Elaine Inspired Thought Police on June 01, 2005 at 18:00:11:

I sat down and wrote to the State Senators about the NOAH diving weather issue. I received a not very interested reply from Feinstein. I received a reply that said "Hey, I'm on the committee and I realize that people think the NOAH services are valuable" reply from Boxer. I was very glad to hear that someone on the committee is approaching the issue mindful of real needs.

The Senators are the senators. They were elected by the citizens of California. Who I voted for is none of anyones business - secret ballot is a constitutional right. We have who we have and to effect any positive changes, we have to try and work with them while they are in office. That is how American government works.

Diving issues will be addressed again and again in Washington and in other government forums. It is important to stay focused on the diving issues and not the people who you may or may not like in the government office because of their view on some other issue.

The link to the website to fill out the form to express your views on the NOAH issue is at . Letting a committee member know that the issue is important to you and why is valuable information that can potentially affect the outcome.

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