Re: With the 7070? (nt)

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Chris on June 13, 2005 at 18:59:28:

In Reply to: With the 7070? (nt) posted by jlyle on June 13, 2005 at 18:44:43:

No a 5060 in a PT-027 hosing. Both the camera and the housing together was $520 from Beach Camera. A 7070 was only about $60 more but I choose the 5060 because of it's better performance in low light focusing, and lower noise due to the larger pixel elements.
I put a 4GB card in the camera which will hold over 1000 SHQ or over 500 RAW shots, or 85 minutes of 640x480 video. I am shooting TTL most of the time (using the INON D-2000 slaves) and I have yet to run out of battery power at 600 shots.
The PT-027 also is designed with a "light pipe" on the focus assist LED. You can ture this feature on or off. It was because of the focus assist LED my last set of fluorescence photos came out so well.
I like the camera and like that I can use all of my INON lens and strobes with it. The INON lens will vignette if zoomed out all of the way, but I added a setting to my mode to zoom in just a bit for use with the INON lenses.

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