swimming sea slug

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Posted by Alan on June 20, 2005 at 21:34:49:

My close friend Mike Miller, who has a website dedicated to sharing the unusual forms and beauty of nudibranchs and sea slugs with the world, has graciously featured a couple of my video clips on his site this week. /Bornella anguilla/ is a nudibranch found in Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea. It is about 1 1/2 inches long. It looks like a cross between a Chinese dragon, a giraffe, and a fish. Several nudibranchs have the ability to escape predators by arching their body and jumping away like an overactive worm, but this sea slug has developed a long distance swimming ability which makes it look like an eel or fish.

You can visit the site at: slugsite.us or slugsite.tierranet.com

When you get to the site, scroll down the left pane (window) until you come to a yellow script: "Streaming Slide and Video Shows", then scroll further until you get to the red script saying "Bornella anguilla-new". Click on that. If you have Windows Media Player, it will play. There's no sound.

Alan Grant

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