Posted by The Chamber Day 2000 Committee on April 05, 2000 at 12:26:10:
We are pleased to announce that the California Artificial Reef Enhancement (CARE) Program has made a substantial contribution to the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber in the form of a check for $1250 to be applied to the Michael Kane Challenge, bringing the total raised by the Challenge to a staggering $15,145!!!
As you may know, CARE, based in Sacramento, is one of the group's lobbying for the passage of California SB241, commonly known as the "Rigs to Reefs" bill. In short form, the bill would set up an endowment fund for marine resources protection, funding coming from allowing oil companies to donate a substantial sum to the fund in return for allowing the underwater portion of the oil rigs to remain in place once the rig's been decommissioned, instead of having the companies remove the entire rig, all the way down to the sea floor. (More info about CARE and SB241 can be found at "".)
Although Chamber Day and the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber take no position, pro or con, regarding the bill (and just for the record, their donation comes with no strings attached), we certainly do appreciate the fact that CARE recognizes the importance of a viable hyperbaric chamber in our diving community.
And if you have questions about SB241 or CARE and you'll be at Chamber Evening, feel free to discuss your thoughts with CARE members at the evening event, as they'll also be sponsoring a table and will be attending.
But let us turn our sights back to the Challenge. With exactly four weeks to go until Chamber Day, $20,000 seems an attainable goal. Remember that ALL funds raised through this Challenge go to the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber and making sure that it's available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (366 this year).
But we can't hit our new goal without your help. So . . . WHO'S NEXT?????
California Artificial Reef Enhancement (CARE) Program - $1250
Bob "Hoot" Gibson
(Updated as of 4/5/00 12:15PM - last posted 3/29/00 10:50AM)
CUMULATIVE TOTAL TO DATE - $15,145 donated by:
1. Pete Pehl
2. Reef Seekers Dive Co., Beverly Hills
3. Ken Kurtis
4. Brett Taylor ($25)
5. Don Banas ($250)
6. Dr. Robert Rhodes
7. Troy Bagwell ($1000)
8. The Sea Divers ($150)
9. Dr. Bernard & Gloria Salick ($500)
10. Art Greenberg ($200)
11. John Gordon ($500)
12. David Scott ($50)
13. SCUBA Show 2000
14. George & Fran Ollweiler
16. NAUI ($1000)
17. Malibu Divers
18. R.A. Buck
19. Sand Dollar Diving Charters ($150)
20. Jeanne Sleeper
21. Brian LoBue & Irene Hashimoto ($500)
22. Sharon Wallin/Nixie Smith
23. Chris Rybak
24. ARCO Foundation (matching grant)
25. Lost Patrol
26. John Delaney ($500)
27. Ann Geiger/Tari Hanneman ($50)
28. The California Endowment (matching grant - $140)
29. Al Wells
30. Jeff Hunter
31. Warren Iliff
32. Barnacle Busters
33. Dive 'N Surf - ($200)
34. Jim Krasne - ($500)
35. Scuba Divers Network - ($200)
36. John Wentworth ($200)
37. Scuba Schools of America - Montclair ($500)
38. Caruso’s Critter Care
39. Tom Wetzel
40. Honeywell (matching grant - $250)
41. Jim Racanelli ($500)
42. Anne Koepf
43. Bret Marquis
44. Pat & Charlotte McDuffee
45. John Roodenburg ($50)
46. Tom & Nancy Caruso
47. Roy & Linda Houston ($50)
48. Beth Clark
49. California Endowment ($280 - additional donation)
50. Mike Emmerman/Pat Stockhausen ($1000)
51. Angi Froelich
52. PADI ($1000)
53. Keni Cyr-Rumble
54. Coalition for Enhanced Marine Resources ($1000)
55. Paradise Lifestyles
56. Brad Calaway
57. California Artificial Reef Enhancement (CARE) Program ($1250)
58. Bob “Hoot” Gibson
Thanks for your support.