New Catalina Island Dive & Travel Guide

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Posted by Joe Belanger on August 08, 2000 at 15:25:33:

For Immediate Release

The captivating island of Santa Catalina enjoys upwards of 1,000,000 annual visitors.
There is so much to see and do at Catalina that planning your trip can be half the fun.
Catalina, All You Need To Know, a new book by Joe Belanger, is an all encompassing
‘‘back pack’’ tour book intended to supply the traveler with all the necessary information
to help plan a trip to the island, or it can simply serve as a reference guide during your

The book offers valuable guidance to visitors in areas such as getting to the island,
hotels, restaurants, tours, hiking and camping. Also of great interest are the chapters
explaining the evolution of Catalina, historical points of interest and Catalina’’s unspoiled
interior lands. The highlight of the book is its colorful diving section. Not only are 56
dive sites covered in detail, but their latitude and longitude coordinates are listed as well,
providing easy GPS or Loran C accessibility for boaters. Chapters discussing Catalina
dive operators and marine life are also included. As a first, Joe has taken the time to
research the history of scuba diving at Catalina, and has shared his findings in a unique,
never before done chapter about many of the diving events at Catalina that have helped
make diving what it is today.

Catalina, All You Need To Know is available on-line at for $18.95 plus $3 for S & H. Arizona residents
add $1.45 for sales tax. You may also call Roundtable Publishing directly at 480 354-
1063 to order your copy. Dealer and distributor inquiries welcome. E-mail us at for more information.

ISBN: 0-9700086-0-0
Library of congress No. 00-190798
Publication Date: August, 2000

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