Posted by tleemay on August 08, 2000 at 15:31:39:
There will be a DIR Presentation by Michael H. Kane at Marie Calendar's Restaurant in Saugus, CA. Marie's is located adjacent to Interstate 5 and Magic Moutain Parkway on the NW side of the freeway underpass.
The meeting's social and dinner hour starts at 6:30 pm with dinner being served shortly after 7:00 pm. Mr. Kane is scheduled to speak at approx. 7:45 or so.
The primary presentation will be on DIR and the Sport Diver. Discussions on the DIR history and philosophy as well as DIR configured kits will be the bullet points of the presentation. A complete Q&A session will follow for those who have inquiries.
This is actually a presentation to the members of the Santa Clarita Dive Club in conjunction with their monthly membership meeting. They have been generous to open up Mr. Kane's presentation and forum to anyone who would like to attend. To date, there has been no DIR presentation in the northern metro portion of LA County. This is a good opportunity for those who haven't been able to attend any of the Beverly Hills, WLA, or South Bay presentations due to the distance and drive time required to attend. The event is literally freeway close, since Marie Calendar's is about 50 yards from Intersate 5.
Any questions? E-mail me.