Esther's Labor Day Weekend Trip - DIR Demo

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Posted by tleemay on August 22, 2000 at 19:31:04:

Since there are many who read this BBS who are attending the header
mentioned trip, I felt this was appropriate to post.

As promised at the August SCDC meeting, I will have 7 set's of DIR
configured gear available for anyone to try out during Esther's Labor
Day Weekend 3-Day Trip - The Grand Tour.

I need those who are planning on demoing the system to let me know.
E-mail me at before 8/27 (this Sun).

All of the demo sets will be stainless steel backplates with 28 or 36
pound wings with the integrated weight pouches. If someone wants to
try out an aluminum backplate, let me know and I'll try to bring one.

If someone is planning on diving doubles, let me know and I'll bring
a 55# wingset. The system is easily adaptable to many types of diving
and divers as you will see.

For weighting purposes, plan on the backplate and single tank adaptor
taking about 6.5 lbs off your weight belt - the rest you can slip
into the weight pouches up to an aditional 20 to 30 lbs (depending on
which weight pouch size is on the setup).

We will have a very limited number of 5 lb keel weights available for
those of you planning on doing the demo with an alum tank. Those of
you diving steels (no matter what size) will not need it.

For you drysuit divers that use ankle weights, I will also have a
couple sets of ankle gaiters available for use, These devices velcro
on the outside of your leg calfs to prevent air from getting into your
boots. The people up in Monterey that have demo'd the gaiters in the
past love them - eliminating ankle weights altogether. Much more
comfortable when finning by not having any aditional weight on the
ankles - easier to walk in on the deck too.

Since the gear must be fit for each diver, I need those who are going
to make sure they are on the boat as early as possible Friday evening
(after 8pm). The fitting process takes about 20 minutes per diver,
I'd like to have the bulk of the fittings done before we leave the
dock. Once fitted, you should require no further adjustments unless
someone else demos it in between your dives. I will be one of the
DM's on the trip, so I will be available to answer any questions you
may have and assist you in any adjustments with the gear in between

And remember, this gear is not for sale. This is not a store
sponsored event trying to push one particular line of gear - this is
an educational experience on DIR configured equipment.

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