Re: Nice work, MHK

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Posted by MHK on October 03, 2000 at 12:40:00:

In Reply to: Re: Nice work, MHK posted by kelphead on October 03, 2000 at 12:22:49:


Don't fall for another one of these red-herrings... Crushed and compressed neoprene are the same thing.. I've spoken to Dick Long about this.

EINS is having trouble yet again..

Let me tell you the facts. DUI has a copyright on the term * Crushed neoprene* and they have barred there competitors from advertising there suits as * Crushed neoprene*, so the competitors began using compressed neoprene. If EINS is talking about a different kind of suit he should be clear in what he is talking about. But most everyone in the industry uses the term crushed and compressed interchangably....

EINS post proves nothing other than the fact that even when faced with Bruce Weinke's physics applications he'll still try to twist and distort...

I don't have the time to keep looking up formulas and citations everytime EINS is wrong about something.. If he can precisely describe what he is talking about ( ie; give me a suit name and model nuumber ) then I'll do the math, but I'm not going to wastte any more time looking things up and then having him tell me that he meant something diiferent..

Have EINS provide me with a dryuist make and model number and I will do Weinke's theories and calculate specifically how much a drysuit compresses at depth...

I will only respond to make and model numbers because I can't figure out what the hell he is talking about and then when I do he changes the definition...


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