Posted by tleemay on April 10, 2001 at 14:59:19:
In Reply to: what??? No Z-plan??? that sucks!!! posted by JRM on April 10, 2001 at 14:29:53:
DecoWeenie runs on Palm III or higher. It uses
a couple of companion programs called PocketC (a
calculus program) and MathLib as the engine. It's
pretty much comparable to the GAP and Abyss
I have been able to translate DecoPlanner into
an editable and exportable template that runs on
Sheets to Go, but it isn't stable enough yet. I
have to run it through HackMaster at 16 mhz or
else the calculations crash the Palm at 28 mhz.
There's a lot happening when DecoPlanner starts
crunching and you adjust a parameter on the fly.