Posted by Kevin on June 07, 2001 at 16:29:08:
I used to love to read this BBS, and I also enjoyed posting. As most of you know I really love the shipwrecks here in Southern CA. I dive them at least every other weekend. I have found other wreck divers on this BBS and some great friendships have evolved. Josh, Steve, Christine, Paul, Stephanie and Ed just to name a few of the people I have met and dived wrecks with.
But lately the board seems to be a war zone. The week the board was down was weird. The first day I missed it, then I didn't. When the board started up again, and the arguments started, I got pretty turned off. I am not here to damper free speach, but the flame wars have gotten out of control.
Ten years ago I posted to the Techdiver list that the flamewars cause more harm than good. They turn away alot of divers, especially the newer divers that could really use good advice and guidance. I find myself making the same request again.
If Mr. X is hot on the long hose, thats great. If others want to argue for the short, let the games begin.
If Mr. Y advocated solo diving, let him defend his position.
And if Ms. Z likes to dive deep air, then lets discuss it, like friends sitting around on a dive boat.
I believe I had a disagreement with Chis along time ago. He stated he dives off a smaller boat and often leaves it unattended at anchor. I posted my beliefs as to why I felt this was unsafe. He responded and I in turn responded to him. Then it was done. I saw his points and he hopefully saw mine. A few others chimed in pro and con, and then we all started talking about something else.
Isn't that the way the BBS should be ?
When ever I post I pretend I am sitting around in the same room as all of you.
I really like this BBS, its a nice five minute break every so often from my hectic and stressful day.
Maybe if we can just cool things down a little bit, we can communicate better.
Now, what was that stuff about breathing off the long hose . . . . .