Posted by MHK on July 09, 2001 at 17:36:57:
In Reply to: wow! PADI certified almost 100,000 new D/Ms Mike ... posted by CalAbDiver on July 09, 2001 at 17:30:53:
In all candor, about 3 years ago, or so I made a public pitch to have everyone not renew there PADI DM's when they came up for renewal.. I even went so far as to draft a letter that I used to accopany my rejection of their renewal...
So if PADI hasn't kicked me out already I gues I'm what they would call a *non-current* or whatever term they dream up.. I must still be something with them because I just got a letter the other day telling me that I need to pay my insurance.. SO who the hell knows...
The mask thing is probably the easiet of the tasks in that scenario and it's also the easiet thing to practice... I'll often time deco out with mask off just to se if I can keep bouyance, trim and count off for practice... Once you get over the psycological part it's nothing to it...
WHat to we dive together ;-)
Also, when diving with Walker you never know when or where he'll swoop from ;-)
Ask Terry about getting out of teh engine room on the Yukon when the Walker precense appeared ;-)