we usually throw in a guided underwater tour or two also!

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Posted by CalAbDiver on July 17, 2001 at 13:58:59:

In Reply to: Re: Self-Reliant Calif. Divers posted by MHK on July 17, 2001 at 13:07:34:

new OW1 grads needs to be able to follow a dive leader on a tour. that is what most safe recreational diving is all about at the entry level and at the resorts.

new divers dont have to be proficient like Navy SEALs out of BUDS [Basic Underwater Demolition School]. [sorry: I dont know what the Navy Hardhats call their school.] new OW1 divers just have to be able to follow the leader, safely.

our first PADI dive in OW1 is normally an OWSI led tour, and our last PADI dive is normally a D/M led tour. and all the kneeling and skills stuff is usually done in between. you have to make the training fun too. this is not Marine Corps boot camp.

having accomplished OW1 successfully, new divers are then ready to Put Another Dollar In for AOW "Adventure Diving," Rescue, Boat Diving, Deeper Diving, Hunting & Collecting, Search & Recovery, Night Diving, etc.

Dive education does not end at OW1. yet often some here speak as though it did. if it did, there would be no way to Put Another Dollar In !!

there are several PADI dive stores that also feature GUE training with GUE instructors. you dont have to step on PADI to get to GUE. PADI will help a diver get there, if thats what he/she wants.

why in the world would anyone want to shake a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve? let the giant sleep, then do your thing, and make the world a better place for everybody.

PADI has A LOT of followers and defenders. youre ALWAYS going to be outnumbered in a battle like that.

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