Jim, why is your basic course only $100?

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Posted by Bill Johnson on July 17, 2001 at 14:01:47:

In Reply to: Self-Reliant Calif. Divers posted by Jim Hoffmann on July 17, 2001 at 12:45:48:

... because you have to compete against all the other cheap abreviated courses out there. Your 35 hour class is obviously worth more than $100. Hell, $100 is two half hour golf lessons!

I don't know how you can teach adiquate buoyancy in three pool sessions though. I don't care to compare students, but I doubt that a student with only three pool sessions under his belt can compare with one of mine, that completes 8 pool sessions AND has come in to practice in the pool, on his own, between pool sessions.

Jim, you wrote, "...and the descent line gives the
student a way to stabilize the descent to equalize their ears( on the first few dives the
student have very little buoyancy control, they need something)." I think you would be surprised at how much buoyancy control a student can have if they have done it more than a few times. If you charged more than $100, you could do more pool sessions. Will your market not handle it?

You are right, I didn't know everything after my first class, and I still don't know everything. I especially didn't know what truely good buoyancy control was, even though I was an instructor, until after I took my cave class. Now that I know what buoyancy control is, my students spend 5 to 10 min hovering, without moving, at one depth, in our 14' pool, every class session (once they are qualified to dive in the deep end).

My question to you is: how can you afford your 90210 address on only $100 a student? Quality training is worth more than $100!


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