GiGi the russian dive student

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by CalAbDiver on July 18, 2001 at 10:21:16:

In Reply to: Broken glass I can deal with but I AIN"T gonna pee in my suit! posted by JohnB on July 18, 2001 at 09:56:15:

[this story is dedicated to all the beautiful lady divers who keep life so interesting for us guys]

during a recent PADI OW1 class, PACKED with student divers AS USUAL, i was the D/M assigned to watch over about one-third of the class, which amounted to about 10 students plus the MSDI (master scuba diving instructor). he, the instructor, was a grizzled old former U.S. Marine Corps recon diver, who had struck it rich in a high tech start up company here in San Jose, and who was now mostly retired but teaching scuba for a hobby.

this guy was tough to work with, but he and i had a sense of mutual respect if not intense rivalry, since his background was U.S. Marine Corps and my background is U.S. Navy.

in our class that weekend was a beautiful tall blonde young woman from Russia named GiGi. that pretty much says it all, by the way, if you know anything about blondes from Russia.

our HUGE class got thru most of the first day of dive training at the pool, with this Marine putting all these students through a diving regimen that no one not even me had ever witnessed before in the civilian world. everyone was rather tired and cold. it was past 5 pm in the afternoon of a cloudy Northern California day, and so everyone including moi was getting cold.

suddenly GiGi askes, "I have to pee. what do I do now?"

everyone sort of glanced at each other with fascination, the Marine was shellstruck, and i looked over at him to see if he was going to give any visual clues. nope. he was stunned. that was my cue to say something. so i did:

"GiGi, youre in a wetsuit, so it doesnt really matter what you do. if you were in a drysuit it might be a problem. but pee-ing in a wetsuit is fairly common."

i looked over at the Marine for re-inforcement (no pun intended) but he was still stunned. then GiGi replied:

"So I can pee in my wetsuit right now?"

with that, everyone pretty much burst into uncontrollable laughter. GiGi then added: "Whats so funny? Karl just said I can pee in my wetsuit right now."

Then the Marine snapped out of his frozen gaze, looked GiGi over from hood (very pretty face by the way) to weightbelt (we were standing in waist deep water in the pool) and clarified:

"GiGi in elementary school we teach kids that if you have to do Number 1 then you raise your hand and you make the Number 1 sign."

Hysterical laughter from everyone in the class.

"But Karl said I can pee right here in my wetsuit!" GiGi replied.

The Marine just kind of slowly shook his head in unbelief. I guess this was his first experience with a Russian blonde.

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