Typical of you to try to switch the focus

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Posted by MHK on July 18, 2001 at 14:09:17:

In Reply to: Re: Typical posted by seahunt on July 18, 2001 at 13:57:03:

Look at your post..

1) DIR sounds like a good idea in many ways (I've read a lot
about it),

2) What would going on a boat do. I've reviewed both main
DIR web sites in extensive essays

3) I have read what is on the BBS.

I hate to clue you in on this....But, you can NOT learn to dive on the internet...

Stop reading and start diving....

We have given you tremendous opportunities to learn.. Walker ofered you a free class, I've offered to pay for a two day trip for you, JJ has been out here, Irvine will be out here this weekend..

And what is your response???? That you've read the websites and the BBS...

Or that I'm mean or dishonest.. I'm neither.. I'm just impatient with someone like you.. You get on here voicing 30 years of experience, but yet offer little in the way of advances in diving safety and efficency, you have failed to ever try our system but yet want to denounce it without ever having tried it...

You are such a contradiction in terms that I have little patience left for you and I've tried to remain civil recently but I'm not going to let you call me dishonest and not respond..

I back up EVRYTHING that I say, I do demo after demo, I answer questions all the time and then you expect patience from me when you are simply full of yourself...

You believe you have something to offer and said you would do it.. It's been months and you have offered NOTHING...

Your credibility is as missing as Chondra Levy and then you have the audacity to call me dishonest...

I've challenged you in another thread so why don't we stick to diving and see if you are capable of that...


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