Re: Steve and Seahunt I've consolidated my response

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Posted by MHK on July 20, 2001 at 12:06:55:

In Reply to: Re: Steve and Seahunt I've consolidated my response posted by Steve on July 20, 2001 at 11:50:36:


That is because you blindly follow what other's tell you and don't do any research for yourself...

For example, the NOAA 45 minute rule.. Do you have any idea how they came up with that and why they said 45 minutes???

Did you read the studies?? Did you see whay the increments from 1.5 and 1.4 decrease exponentially????

Did you see how old these studies are and have you seen any further research?? Do you know about re-setting the 02 clock and the vascular restriction issues???

Part of the problem I have with some on this list, is that some read a recomendation from NOAA and blindly follow it.. Then we tell you why it's wrong, outdated, arcane and we back it up with real life experiences that get done every single weekend, and then you suggest it's dangerous...

We hear about why computers give you *more* bottom time but when we explain what is involved in getting *more* bottom time and tell you have to do it safer and more efficient, it's called reckless..

I tell you all the time why we do what we do and you don't..

I can tell you line by line why 45 minutes is BS, but can you even tell me why they came up with 45 minutes??? You guys don't do any homework and then want to challenge everything we say when you don't know the reasons behind it..

I have no problem explaining anything to anyone, but it's get's old when the same guys trot out the same outdated arguements..

If you don't know, ask and I'll be happy to tell you why.. But if I say NOAA 1.6 for 45 minutes is BS, it's because I've done the homework and I have a reason.. I'm not going to tell you about a computer that I bought that says otherwise..

At some point, you guys are going to have to stop challenging us without back up and start accepting that we aren't offering voodoo theories..


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