I guess I have lead a sheltered life.

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Posted by Wayne on July 23, 2001 at 21:41:56:

In Reply to: Casino Point DIR Demo - trip report posted by MHK on July 23, 2001 at 15:41:21:

The horror stories you have presented are shocking. While it is true that the class needs to take turns to perform a skill for the instructor, they should not be doing as you have reported.

I could not come to the presentation because I was out playing with a class. Seven students, one instructor, one divemaster, and a DM Candidate.

The students did all their skills -- more than once if they did not initially do them with ease. And we all had a great time while waiting turns for the shared air ascent. A Calico Bass at least 26 inches long and really fat took a shine to the class. He stayed with us and would come to within a few inches of us. He must have seen that no spears were present and he must have also known we were in the preserve!

Anyway on the line descents we used the anchor line and the free descents they all stayed together and had a controlled, reasonable descent. All the classes I have been around have been professionally taught and carefuly controlled. While I am sure that there is some real crummy instruction going on, I have to say that there is good instruction going on as well.

That being said, I have to say that the students really do need to take advantage of additional training. Let them get Advanced and Rescue at least. That and experience will do the trick. If they wanna do the deep dark stuff, I think they need to seek out specialists and not stick with the normal "shop" instruction.


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