Re: If you follow the directions...

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Steve on July 23, 2001 at 21:45:39:

In Reply to: If you follow the directions... posted by Wayne on July 23, 2001 at 21:11:28:

Naui is similar, round up to 100' especially because of the cold and workload that day with the strong current. I'm allowed to deduct the 3-5 stop time but 34-5=29 minutes. Technically(pun) speaking I would be done for the day on tables after a 7-8 minute stop. What did my computer tell me, after downloading the profile to a graph it said I had 15 minutes of air time left at that depth and 11 minutes to the NDL. 26 minutes into the dive I started the ascent. After 100 minute sit time on tables I would be letter group G(Naui) and have zero NDL time at 80' or deeper, 8 minutes at 70'.

Dive #2 on the Yukon) 84' max for 34 minutes with a 3-5 minute stop.

Now what letter group? Can I make a third dive?

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