Re: Just correct me then: Okay, here 'tis:

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by MHK on July 24, 2001 at 15:23:12:

In Reply to: Re: Just correct me then: Okay, here 'tis: posted by seahunt on July 24, 2001 at 11:49:35:

You are a lying piece of feces... You think if you say something enough it will become true..

So let me say this as plainly as possible:


Quite your 3 year old like whinning and grow up..

You are trying to invent an issue that do not exsist because for a few days you aren't the center of attention..

Grow up and shut up.....

Every now and again you should try to post something that has something to do with making our local diving safer and more efficient.. Until then you are nothing more than a whinning, spoiled child who didn't get his way..

I'll give you a tip, if you are going to advance a wild theory that I'm not true to my word, why not show me up and be true to your word..

In May you advanced a theory that you would offer a better system.. You have offered NOTHING in that regard since then.. All you have done is post BS and sidetrack the issue..

Your credibility is ZERO, you are an idiot and a joke.. No ONE, other than your butt boy Chris, takes you seriously so grow up, stay on diving topics and stop trying to create problems that don't exist..

In short, do you have ANYTHING that you would like to add that has ANYTHING to do with diving????

Later you moron..

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