Re: A few things that I have been struggling with...

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by CalAbDiver on July 24, 2001 at 17:08:38:

In Reply to: A few things that I have been struggling with... posted by MHK on July 24, 2001 at 16:30:40:

>>I've been considering the current status of the dive industry as it relates to our local diving community. As you all know,I think it is in a sad and miserable state>My point isn't that there aren't talented people in the PADI pool, inasmuch as they are all too willing to accept mediocrity, they are all too willing to shrink the challenge level to suit the students needs rather than suit the tenacity of the class and challenge the student.>you shouldn't send an unqualified person into a hostile environment who isn't qualified with the promise of selling him/her an advance class at some future date>PADI has done a masterful job at marketing, indemnifying and insulating.>I just wish they applied that same effort and skill level to teaching people how to dive that they applied to short-cutting the process.>If I were still in the PADI fold I would scream at the top of my lungs for the firing of the current leadership because they have sold the integrity of the name for the sake of market share.<<

MikeK you ARE still in the PADI fold. For the rest of your life you are and will be a PADI dive leader. PADI got you started on your trek to dive leadership and taught you most of everything that you know. Almost everyone whom you will ever meet is a PADI diver too. A leopard cant change his/her spots just because he/she wants to!

You are an exceptionally bright diver, MikeK. I dont know why PADI's system of teaching new divers fast and certifying new diving instructors fast bothers you so much. Sure its a hostile environment. If the dive students do everything that PADI tells them to do, they will live through it all.

It is all just a grand scheme to keep the dive stores pumping the compressed air, nitrox, and mixed gasses so we can all go diving.

Or else you would have to buy and maintain your own air compressor and gas cylinders by yourself. Think of it as a silver lining with a cloud around it.

Now I told you the secret to it all. So keep quiet about it. Dont tell anybody else, or we will all be buying air pumping equipment for our garages too, buddy!

Laterrrrrr! [now where did i hear/read that before?]

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