Posted by Wayne on July 30, 2001 at 17:19:29:
In Reply to: what about gold? posted by CalAbDiver on July 30, 2001 at 17:09:26:
OK, so I do not strip wrecks, but I have seen the CWD displays and there is no question in my mind that it is far better that these artifacts be brought up and displayed instead of turning to rubble on the sea floor.
All the CWD people I have spoken to about this were interested in preserving our marine heritage and making it available for the public to see. Because there has been bad press, many museums are reluctant to take the stuff and display it at the present. That is really too bad. What if the same attitude existed for other land based finds? What would you see in the museums?
Sure these items are being taken by individuals, but they are a piece of history and over time they will filter into the collections that will be displayed. To leave this stuff in the sand is a crime.
Oh yea, in answer tyo MHK's original question, stripping an artificial reef designed to allow us to see deteriation, is like hunting deer in a pen.