Sounds like you're going over Raton Pass after Blue Hole

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Posted by roakey on August 01, 2001 at 08:11:06:

In Reply to: Diving @ 5000 ft. posted by Davej on July 31, 2001 at 23:08:20:

I live in Colorado Springs, and we do this all the time.

The very conservative way (unless you have a computer that you can manually set for altitude) is to dive the Navy tables using the pass' altitude (8k feet) for converting the actual depth to a high altitude table (HAT) depth.

The way we usually do it, however, is to keep it to one dive the morning we leave, kill time in Santa Rosa (about two hours to get everyone showered and packed). We then head out to Las Vegas (NM) and eat at "The Mexican Kitchen" (505-454-1769, 717 Grand Avenue). Take the 2nd LV exit as you're heading North, turn left and when you hit the traffic light (~0.3 miles from the freeway) it's almost right in front of you, a little to your right. Great place to eat, lotsa locals and lotsa food.

This will put the dive at least five hours behind you when you cross the pass. Believe me, even this is conservative because I've seen brandy-new OW divers finish their classes and, despite being told to do otherwise, immediately head home to Colorado. Despite the rumors, I have heard no verifiable reports of DCS going over Raton Pass, only friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend stuff.


Ps. Feel free to send me mail if you've got any specific questions.

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