re: D/M solo dive between escorts and doesn't come back, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by K/S on August 03, 2001 at 09:42:00:

In Reply to: Fatality statistics posted by Ken Kurtis on August 01, 2001 at 01:03:40:

since you are a NAUI OWSI(+) Ken then you know that D/Ms do this a lot, practically every dive class. and doing so is actually what got me started into solo diving. now i carry a 13 cu ft pony bottle all the time during Ocean classes as an alternate air source, since there are no students or buddies with octo's to provide alternate air most of the time.

solo diving between escourt dives with OW1 classes is a good way to gradually learn the necessary techniques of navigation, self confidence, and relaxation needed on solo dives. and the training that the certification agencies give for the D/M level and higher is a good prerequisite in the basics of scuba before proceeding to solo.

regarding the fatality, some kind of autopsy must have been performed by the county, and the cause of death besides drowning must have had some light shed on it? some people die on occasion no matter what, and if they happen to be scuba diving when it happens, it can hardly be considered an indictment of scuba or solo.

D/Ms and A/Is and OWSI(+)s effectively solo dive during almost all of their classes. they almost never have a buddy there of equal skill.

thanks for the fatality descriptions Ken. i will read them to our student divers when this subject comes up again in classes.

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