Re: Answer to all of your comments

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Posted by Steve on August 07, 2001 at 10:31:51:

In Reply to: Answer to all of your comments posted by MHK on August 07, 2001 at 09:42:03:

Holy cow I agree with you on this something!!! vbg

Posted by MHK on August 07, 2001 at 09:42:03:

But that's neither here nor there let's assume that I get the tanks cleaned, I put the silly banner on it and then I spend the next 10 months getting fills from the dirtiest compressor known to mankind and then I bring that same tank to the local fill station and ask them to PP blend a tank of 36%, is that tank any safer than what I'm talking about????

Posted by Steve on August 07, 2001 at 00:32:49:

Once your tank has been cleaned and you get boat fills here, there and everywhere some hydrocarbons are getting into that tank but as long as you have the sticker you can get nitrox fills? It seems your right back to where you started after a couple of fills. My reg doesn't have Viton o-rings for 40% fills why should my tank need it?


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