Re: Bent because of DM incompetence...

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Posted by Steve on August 07, 2001 at 16:32:56:

In Reply to: Bent because of DM incompetence... posted by Cygal on August 07, 2001 at 15:10:19:


IMO, you should quit diving for your safety. You made many bad decisions that cost you so much pain and could have cost you your life. I'll list the mistakes I see that you made but you are in denial of any wrong doing on your part so this could be pointless yet others may learn when to call the dive.

1) Letting someone add weight that you know you don't need.
2) You dive tables that you don't know how to use.
3) You didn't get with a buddy and you need one.
4) You should have called the dive before you entered the cave but really you should have called it at 20'.
5) You knew you made a rapid ascent yet you made a second dive.
6) You have no buoyancy control and you probably don't know what your air consumption is in order to plan dives.
7) You willing dove beyond your capablilites.
8) The most important IMO is you are blaming everyone else but yourself.


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