Re: Bent because of DM incompetence...

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Posted by Afraid you're going to have to chalk this one up on August 08, 2001 at 08:03:10:

In Reply to: Bent because of DM incompetence... posted by Cygal on August 07, 2001 at 15:10:19:

to experience. Hind-sight is 20/20, but it's obvious from your description that from the start you were in a situation that was way above your comfort and skill level. Most of us have been in this position more than once in our dive careers, but fortunately (knock on wood), most of us haven't got bent.

Although this is a bitter pill to swallow, it might be best to move on and forget about the law suit. In practical terms, DM's are only responsible for supervising certified divers, taking precautions against reasonable emergencies, and guiding tours underwater. They are not responsible for planning individual dives, the management of air for individual divers, or making sure divers dive within their plan or their skill level. As a certified diver, it was your responsibility to have spoken up the moment you found out the group was planning to do an 80' wall dive.

I hope you will be able take our advice and use it, and your experience, to be a better diver (if you choose to dive in the future).In the mean time, I wish you a speedy recovery.

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