big picture? isolated personal experiences??, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by mike on August 09, 2001 at 13:58:42:

In Reply to: Re: In a heartbeat (-) posted by seldom seen slim on August 09, 2001 at 12:20:27:

Okee dokee.

we all view the world through the prism of our own personal experience. The "big picture" seems to mean different things to different people. I could care less about football or any other spectator sport, yet billions of others feel differently. Many (perhaps most) divers could care less about hunting underwater, yet if hunting were outlawed, the number of diveboats in the local harbors would most surely shrink as some operators go out of business, and i'd bet a nice fat bag of scallops that a few marginal diveshops would be pushed over the edge as well. The big picture is that we hunters are a but a miniscule small part of diving as a worldwide whole, and i'm not so sure that we are even that big a part of the Southern California diving business. Jim Hoffman seems to be doing well enough without selling any more spearguns, and i'd be willing to bet that most of the spearfishing stuff that walks out of Sport Chalet gets used a few times and then ends up in a garage and then perhaps, 10 years later, at a garage sale. I'd wager the big picture is that if spearos are outlawed, life, and the dive industry would go on without us.

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