Re: Cost vs. Benefits, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by MHK on August 09, 2001 at 16:50:16:

In Reply to: Cost vs. Benefits posted by JRM on August 09, 2001 at 16:34:08:


I don't buy into the last suggestion about reaching NDL's before you run out of air.. Clearly there are people that do, but most *regular* diver's don't..

Just look at some of the ill-advised things that people list on here about how to gain added BT's... The lengths some will go to, but then get upset about a few extra dollars is beyond any logic that I can relate to..

In many respects people have spent over several thousand dollars to get trained and equipped, they then paid $75 - $100 to be on a one day boat, or between $200 - $300 to go on a multi day trip, so the notion of discussing $2 or $3 extra for Nitrox fills makes NO sense to me...

I've been on multi-day trips wherein we've done 11 dives in one day... Trust me I wish I had Nitrox....


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