Mark and Streamlining

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Posted by Kevin on August 10, 2001 at 13:23:38:

In Reply to: Re: The Streamlining Issue Pt.2 posted by AADIVER on August 10, 2001 at 12:24:03:

Dear Frank:

The issues of streamling are CRITICAL to divers, especially here in Southern California.
If you get caught in a current or have to drift decompress, wouldn't you rather be 18% more streamlined ?
Yet its something that very few instructors teach their students, other than " Don't drag you console or
secure your octopus . . .)

Also Mark Lonsdale is the current Training Director for the Specialized Tactical Training Unit (STTU).
His resume is a little more impressive than yours, I value his opinions:

Present Training Director for the Specialized Tactical Training Unit (STTU) Involved in most aspects of police and military
special operations and hostage rescue training, including program development and training of dive teams, primarily in the areas
of search, rescue, recovery, dignitary protection, EOD search, narcotics interdiction and maritime tactical operations.
Present Founder and Diving Supervisor for Frogmen Unlimited Involved in all aspects of film and television industry aquatic
action, safety, stunts, production support, technical advisory and diver training.
12 years as a Lead Diver, Diving Supervisor and Training Officer for LA Sheriff's SEB Dive Team. Responsible for training and
operations in the ocean, lakes and rivers within Los Angeles county, utilizing both scuba and surface-supplied equipment.
Recent operations include the recovery of two small aircraft and four bodies off the LA coastline; the recovery of numerous bodies
and homicide related weapons; and the recovery of a missing diver from a flooded mine shaft. Co-author of the LASD Diving
Guidelines and Charter Member of the LA Sheriff's Diving Control Board.
Contract diver to the US Air Force assisting in the recovery of submerged evidence related to an OSI investigation.
Cleared by the US Navy to dive at various naval diving installations to collect photos and data for a book on Navy Diving.
Instructor & Instructor Trainer in the UCLA Scientific and Recreational Diving Program
Author of SRT DIVER and several other books on Special Operations. Currently researching and writing three additional books
related to diving operations.
Former Spec-Ops Coordinator for the NASAR Diving & Water Rescue Committee.
Former Advisor to the National Academy of Police Diving
Past lecturer at several national diving and rescue conferences - DEMA, TEK, SCUBA 96, IPDS 1999, FDIC 2001.
Former commercial oil-field diver and diving supervisor (8 years) with several thousand hours of deep mixed gas and
bell/saturation diving for Sub Sea International in the North Sea, Scotland, Holland, Norway, Australia, and New Zealand.


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