Lobsters aplenty

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by JRM on August 10, 2001 at 13:48:05:

In Reply to: does it have lobsters also? posted by CalAbDiver on August 10, 2001 at 13:23:02:

Yep, there be lobsters. I was freediving there over Thanksgiving last year, and watched a "circus clown car" zodiac (a 12 footer with like 8 fully decked SCUBA dudes) come in. Every last one of them had a bag full of bugs. Actually it was kinda funny, cause the surf had come up a touch, so the pilot punted the other 7 out beyond the surf, and they had to come in all by themselves. The local FAG was there with his gauge, measuring as they came in. He must have been feeling generous, because I watched more than one of them come out of the water with a bag of bugs, a trident tipped polespear, and no fish. Guess they just had the polespears "just in case ;-)".

Anyway, the best bugging is around the north/west point. I wouldn't suggest trying to swim it.


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