Re: Picking and choosing which *rules* apply

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Posted by MHk on August 13, 2001 at 16:24:43:

In Reply to: Re: Picking and choosing which *rules* apply posted by SLANG on August 13, 2001 at 16:06:48:

Thanks for the rationale opposing side.. I guess what bugs the hell out of me is that those of us that live and breathe diving needs to suffer through a bunch of beauracratic BS, because *the powers that be*, whoever the hell they are, don't think the issue through and once something works it's way into dive anals it's 500 times more difficult to change..

It still drives me nuts when I propose a theory and it's shot down unilaterally as *potentially fatal advise*, when in point of fact I guarantee that I research everything I do as it relates to diving way more than anyone on this list.. And the other side of the coin, there are some *rules* that get ignored absent any significant research and/or the willingness to adopt such anecdotal silliness that is perpetuated by the very people that are going to sell you the item.. In other words, I won't fill the tank unless you have a sticker BTW you can go buy one over there for $5...

FTR, when I DM for Tim, it's his boat and his rules when I'm working an open boat.. However, when I charter the boat I reserve the right to have my own rules, one of which is no solo diving.. Bear in mind that most of my personal charters are generally tech trips with our DIR guys so the point is more often than not moot.. Unless of course Delaney tries to sign up for a trip ;-)


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