Scuba "rules" in and out of "the box"., the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by AADIVER on August 14, 2001 at 15:05:04:

MHK posted below:

"I wouldn't mind also if some actually took the initiative to actually answer my question which is why are some *rules* blindly ignored and others are rigidly followed???"

I think it has to do with advancing up the learning curve. The "thou shalt not" admonitions are tested and in certain cases found wanting, i.e., thou shalt not hold thy breath: done it many times to stretch my air, thou shalt not dive solo: I dive Solo Con Dios as do many others, thou shalt not dive deep on 21%, etc., etc. Rules begin rigid, then become flexible as we "test the waters", pun intended.;-)
Some rules are carved in stone, i.e., thou shalt not pump pure O2 into a non-dedicated scuba cylinder and thou shalt not fly in an airplane directly after diving. At least they're carved into my "rules of the road". Does this answer your question, sir?

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