Re: O2's not typically "pumped", it's transfilled., the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by MHK on August 16, 2001 at 11:59:39:

In Reply to: O2's not typically "pumped", it's transfilled. posted by roakey on August 16, 2001 at 11:41:41:

Posted by roakey on August 16, 2001 at 11:41:41:

but they don’t differ all that much and we both agree that O2 is one heck of a lot safer than the dive shops seem to think it is. I’m hoping (I’m sure MHK’s hoping the same thing) that as the public becomes better informed on Nitrox and O2 handling that the voodoo-like mystique that surrounds it will be dispelled. Then we’ll have a more level headed understanding of it at the diver, shop and gawd let us hope at the government level.


That is the entire point of the exercise and why I continue to post ad nausem on this list.. I care deeply about the local dive community and it bugs the hell out of me when nonsense works it's way into the local community, it becomes the *rules* such as the term is used, and it is impossible to change..

It bugs the hell out of me when you have certain dive shop owners that have NEVER taken a Nitrox class, NEVER blended a tank,NEVER breathed from a tank of Nitrox, but yet feel comfortable advancing theories that HAVE NO BASIS IN FACT or REALITY....

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