Re: Looking for Farnsworth Bank info, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Anthony Ashley on August 16, 2001 at 20:09:47:

In Reply to: Looking for Farnsworth Bank info posted by msblucow on August 16, 2001 at 19:18:35:

Are you going to be on a Reef Seekers Charter? I am considering this one too.
This is an advanced site. People have died here. It is one of the best dives in California.
Be prepared to go deep. This site is unprotected and can oftem be undivable due to currents and swells. I have been fortunate to catch it on two brilliant occasions.
This site consists of pinnicle banks that come up to within 65 feet of the surface. So your dive essentially begins there. It is essentially a steep pinnicle wall dive that drops to as deep as you would care to go. The big attraction is the rare purple hydrocoral that grows everywhere at this site. You can ofter see lots of open water fish too,
I saw large schools of yellowtail while diving this site. Visability is usually quite good 65ft the last time I dive there. I would reserve deciding whether to bring your camera depending on the conditions. Either way you will really enjoy this dive if conditions will allow. A friend of mine has gone three times to Farnsworth and has yet to dive it.
Good luck and enjoy

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