Re: Ankle weights "training wheels"? More GUE derision

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by MHK on August 27, 2001 at 16:15:18:

In Reply to: Ankle weights "training wheels"? More GUE derision posted by AADIVER on August 27, 2001 at 16:00:45:


DIR is being resisted because many of the *old school* people are resistent to change and resent being told that there is a safer and more efficient way to do something...

This list plays verbal gymnastics more than any other list that I'm on, so let's be clear about something. I, Michael Kane, called ankle weights training wheels and as far as I know no one else in GUE has evered reffered to ankle weights as training wheels.

Frank, and all others, I speak candidly and bluntly. That is who I am and if anyone has a problem with that then simply stop reading my posts. If you want sugar coating and hand holding go to Sport Chalet, they'll tell you what you want to hear and try to sell you useless crap. I, on the other hand, won't sugar caot it and if it is crap I'll tell you it's crap and I'll tell you why..

I'm NOT trying to sell you, or anybody else, anything.. The dive industry is full of people that are all too willing to learn as little as possible about diving, take kickbacks when they sell X number of BC's, and then take the 18 year old out of the shoe department and he'll tell you everything he knows about a life sustaioning piece of equipment. If you guys want that you can have it.. I am who I am so PLEASE stop giveing BS excuses about why there is a resistance to DIR..

We could hand hold and sugar coat everything that we say and there would still be people like Chris and Seahunt out there who can't get a clue..

Diver's are what they are, some will accept it and some won't.. You guys think we are out to convert every diver in the world and I keep telling you that DIR isn't for everyone.. It takes a certain discipline and mindset and many don't have that. The thruth is that most of the *old timers* that are staunchly resisting it is because they recongnize that there is a safer way to do things but they are too stubborn to change..

You guys can invent or enable any rationale that you want but PLEASE stop with the DIR guys aren't nice nonsense.. I've heard it a 1000 times and while partialy true it's also a scapegoat...


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