Hmmmm, i'm not laughing.

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by mike on August 30, 2001 at 10:41:29:

In Reply to: the point: anytime you are NOT diving a cave is a GOOD time NOT to DIR posted by CalAbDiver on August 30, 2001 at 09:09:14:

Firewalker, now there's funny fellow.

Maddiver, it's good to have you on board and thanks again for the scooter tips. I do a lot of diving in Indonesia where most have never even heard of such things as EAN, let alone DIR and as such, diving DIR is impossible in such a place. The alternative would be to travel somewhere else, which is an alternative that i politely decline. I take DIR seriously up to a point, but that point ends where i pick up the camera and start shooting macro or fish portraits in relatively uncharted waters.

I would unhesitatingly dive non-DIR (again, up to a point, and within my own conservative limits) if i could sneak it in on a business trip.

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