What I like and hate about this BBS.

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Posted by Kevin on August 30, 2001 at 14:12:25:

I laughed real hard when I found out Jim was Firewalker. I always thought Jim's post were informative and on topic, but when Firewalker posts I laugh out loud at my desk. Like that old Star Trek epsiode, one day we may be able to use the transporter to meld the evil Capt Kirk with the good Capn Kirk.

WELL, either way, keep up the good work "FireJim".

I read this BBS because I learn so much about local divers and their training, and their opinions. Both good and bad. I mean we have some people whose post that I read from start to finish, and will dive with and train with. We have others that I really think are just hardcore strokes waiting to die. Their posts scare the heck out of me ! I really hope people don't follow their example. If I was to even to try to begin to correct their info, or offer them advice, it would just be a slam fest or flame war, so no thanxs.

I love the information, and dive reports.
I love the daily entertainment, its the ultimate way to pass time while "on hold".

I hate the personal attacks, I just stop reading the posts.
I hate the puppetry, we really should try to stop. But then again it does offer a way for someone to say something, without the return barrage.

I try to "pay" for my enjoyment of this board by answering wreck related questions, offering a little history, and occasionally offering a " Rust Report ". Its if wreck related, I'll always be there to help suck in, I mean encourage new wreck divers. The more you give the more you get in return. A core fundamental concept in diving is the that we all have to help each other learn and improve. I do try.


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