Center of Gravity, Center of Buoyancy

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Posted by Kevin on August 31, 2001 at 08:33:06:

In Reply to: feet are floating up when using my new back inflation bc...... posted by Bill on August 30, 2001 at 21:20:42:

Dear Bill:

You have a trim problem, and wearing ankle weights
is treating the signs and symptoms of bad trim,
not the root or cause of the problem.

Good trim is the result of pairing your center
of gravity within your center of buoyancy.
Ideally they would both be centered in the
same plane, then you would have perfect trim.

Your BC and neoprene is positive, your
cylinder (hopefully) and lead are negative.

That BC is notorious for air trapping, are you
getting all the air out or is some being
trapped in the very bottom of the bladder ?

Also, ankle weights are just another piece of
gear that costs money, can get lost or forgotten,
add mass to you kicks, and you really don't need.

Good trim and buoyancy comes with experience,
keep at it and you will get it down. Contact me by
email if you need some specific advice.



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