Re: Ken emphasizes expediency and MikeKane emphasizes perfection

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Posted by MHK on September 05, 2001 at 14:02:40:

In Reply to: Ken emphasizes expediency and MikeKane emphasizes perfection posted by Karl S. on September 05, 2001 at 12:02:53:

I just don't believe in hurry to resolve one problem and then potentially causing another..

You fix the immiediate problem, you get it behind you and then you move on...

In the instant case, I believe strongly that had these guys gone up the upline they wouldn't have seperated nor would they have sunk back down to 140'.. It's clear that they weren't practiced or skilled enough to handle a simple air share free ascent and it cost one his life and the other a chamber ride...

This stuff is basic fundamental stuff but I'd venture to guess that if they were taught it at all they never practiced it once beyond there certification class...


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