Appropos of no specific incident, but a thought to consider...

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Daryl on September 05, 2001 at 17:09:54:

Most all of the board members use decent quality regs. It is easy to forget that people who do not live and breathe SCUBA may have cyber-diver internet special junk-o-matics that are easy to depth with one diver and shallow with two divers.

This partial reg failure to deliver combined with c02 retention can definitely cause a blackout upon ascent, causing, well you know. Plus a fast ascent can about knock you out on it's own with the associated vertigo and inner ear problems.

Like most of you, I have to refrain from speculation on any tragedy until the facts are in. But as in aviation, some of the most valuable lessons are learned from accident analysis.


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