IANTD Supports DIR; even though DIR contains 3 offensive parts

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Posted by Bill Johnson on September 06, 2001 at 00:32:33:

In Reply to: If DIR is such an offensive term then why is IANTD copying it???? posted by MHK on September 05, 2001 at 17:49:26:


I think you already knew the response I would write before you posted this, but I'll humor you.

This article by Tom should make you happy! Not only does it appear he is promoting the ideas of DIR, but it looks like he refers to it by name. Since your goal seems to be making diving safer, do you really care what anyone calls it? I think that all that should matter to you is that the diving philosophy you support and promote is supported and promoted by the training agencies. So now it is official, IANTD promotes (but not exclusively) DIR!

Of-course, there are only three parts of DIR that are offensive:
1. g
2. The purposefully insulting part of rule #1
3. AADiver said it best in his post below



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